
First 5 SC Announcement

In 2019, South Carolina was awarded federal Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five funding, which supported a variety of early childhood system building activities.  The First 5 SC Committee was established as a working group of “Preschool Development Grant B-5 Activity 3: Building Parent and Family Knowledge, Choice, and Engagement in their Child’s Early Learning and Development.”  The committee assessed the need for a single portal into publicly-funded early childhood programs and services in South Carolina, explored options for the development of such a portal, conducted a market analysis, developed a single brand identify, and developed technical specifications for the portal. 

On February 20, 2020, the Early Childhood Advisory Council voted unanimously to affirm that the SC Early Childhood Advisory Council will take ownership and responsibility for the development and maintenance of First 5 SC, South Carolina’s portal into publicly-funded early childhood programs and services, ensuring data integrity and privacy.  With this vote, the recommendations of the First 5 SC working group were delivered to the Early Childhood Advisory Council, and the Interagency Collaboration Committee formally took on the development of this needed resource for South Carolina’s youngest children and their families.

First 5 SC will launch in late 2020.   Find out more at

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