A comprehensive, statewide, early childhood system strategic plan is in development based on a year-long needs assessment.
The groundwork for the collaborative plan gives voice to the many participants heard in the South Carolina Early Childhood System Needs Assessment, a document produced using Preschool Development Grant Birth-5 funds to understand statewide priorities for South Carolina's young children and their families.
Three data collection strategies, which engaged more than 5,000 people, were used to determine statewide priorities /needs:
- 15 regional meetings were held across the state with 440 participants
- Online survey that garnered 3,114 responses focused on priorities of parents/caregivers
- Approximately 130 focus groups engaging more than 1,495 people with each South Carolina county focused on engaging families/ caregivers and young children.
Participants in the regional meetings provided input in the development of four goals and related objectives in each of three areas:
- Early learning and development
- Health and well-being
- Family and community
Surveys and focus groups allowed researchers to triangulate data within the same three areas to determine trends across data collection methods to inform the statewide priorities.
In addition, dozens of state and local government agencies, nonprofit organizations and philanthropic partners participated in the needs assessment, providing key information about the early childhood system landscape in South Carolina.